Blue collar jobs for women reddit. More education makes you more liberal. For the most up-to-date information from Indeed, please click on the salary link for each job title below. The blue collar guy is also a forward thinking liberal with a passion for music and has an artists touch in his trade . Idk this might get the bash but I feel blue collar jobs tend to have a stopping point in what income you can earn + fact you don’t have a college education looks bad somewhat- idk I would rather someone have a college degree and working a construction type job or blue collar vs not having a college degree. Move to Australia. Supervisor/manager positions always pay better, so there's no excuse except laziness if he can't at least get to that point. Applying for entry level labourer jobs Hi all! I was so glad to find out that this subreddit exists. In this article, we'll explore some of the best blue-collar jobs for women and the benefits they offer. Dec 3, 2020 · As I write about in Blue Collar Cash, there are plenty of six figure jobs in the blue-collar field that don’t require four-year degrees and tens of thousands of dollars of debt. Some of the dumbest fucking morons I ever met were in those blue collar jobs. I’ve been hearing a lot about “lazy girl” jobs lately and the other day when I was talking with a friend of mine, she was saying how she hates her job and wants one. That's also what I wore to the interview for my current apprenticeship. It's funny to me that men think women are too sensitive. To an extent. then that history of women being excluded from Union jobs would be an issue to talk about. Best healthcare, Best blue collar wage in America according to Forbes for 10 yrs in a row or more, and best part is we train you for free, no student loans. Just as the title reads. May 1, 2023 · For women looking to break into blue-collar work, there are a plethora of options available that provide stable employment, good pay, and opportunities for advancement. If you have a job you’re actually interested in, the people who try to make you feel small won’t matter. In this article, we explore a list of 10 high-paying blue-collar jobs, including their primary duties and the requirements of the role. What kind of blue collar jobs do women typically do? When I think of blue collar I think of construction, welding, landscaping, mechanic. 1. Can't say I enjoy my job. Most blue collar crews treat new people like shit. Electronics, & Automation. High-paying, blue-collar jobs tend to exist for needs that can only be fulfilled by a relatively small number of highly-skilled people or require significant personal sacrifices by the people doing them. Something chill in an office (she’s a retail manager) where she could sit at a desk all day. I’m now 5 years into this new job and career in my late 40s. White collar workers (usually unknowingly) will often refer to blue collar jobs as less desirable. blue collar men are plumbers electricians, cops firemen soldiers hvac guys contractors roofers m, gas company workers, linesman, tree guys, auto techs, truck drivers etc etc It was an 18 mo. I carry a heavy bag up and down thousands of stairs 6 days a week, 13 miles a day in the heat, snow, rain, and so on. I graduated 7 months early and within a month or two I had a job offer for a job I never applied for in an industry I never even considered. Aug 21, 2024 · List of blue-collar jobs Here are some blue-collar jobs with national average salaries of over $50,000 per year. When the men came back from WW1 most took their old jobs back. There is a wage gap, but it is narrowing among younger workers. This is not because I think less of blue collar men, or am confused about their earning potential in certain trades (plumbing, electrical, elevator tech, etc can make a shit load, def more than I made in the first 10 years of my career. Many jobs were NOT on the table for me. Also separate white blue collar workers from non-white blue collar workers. most women who go to college are nurses and teachers and marry blue collar men. Women surveyed a few years ago picked tradies over professionals. BIL and SIL both said that they believe that women are not built for blue collar jobs. Blue collar jobs are paid well here. How women can get into blue-collar fields. We have to wear fire resistant clothing, bump caps, boots. The want ads literally were broken up for women and men. He's a professional machinist. As the short version is if we are talking about a rural town women will date a blue collar guy as that is all they have option wise. Despite progress, the blue-collar industry still faces challenges in promoting diversity and inclusion. I know two other women who have had children during their apprenticeship too, and one reached out and said that there is now a stipend the individual locals offer too. I've worked 32hr weeks (4 days on/ 3 days off) for 5 years now. i’ve never worked a trade, but coming from a (small) manufacturing background i can attest to the racism, sexism and homophobia of many of the men working blue collar jobs. I’m an alternative person, and curious on how everyone keeps their personal style while dressing for work. Based on people in this sub alone, it seems that many women go into the electrician trade than any other. corporate people who are jaded out the door. . Most of our men are 'white collar' workers but there are some that do what they need or are able to do to make things meet. I’m a mail carrier and consider it blue collar. A sector dominated by men, blue-collar jobs require manual labor, great stamina, and some muscle. The white collar guy is also a beer drinking metal head who loves unusual atypical things. They both said they would not want their daughters doing blue collar jobs but would want their son to do them because “he’s built different”. But I definitely do see OP's point - that there are also women who might look down on a blue collar guy. What happens if and when a woman wants to throw down a hammer or drive a bulldozer? One job center, Nontraditional Employment for Women (NEW) in New York City, is teaching and guiding women and nonbinary individuals to do just that. 2,000+ hour self-paced curriculum in Industrial Controls. Just as there are right fits and wrong fits in white collar professions, there’s 100% blue collar jobs you will love and hate. For example, the perception that certain jobs are Hey OP, I don’t know if I would have rejected you. There are plenty of blue collar jobs that require a ton of skill & effort, yet these workers don’t really get the praise they deserve. As sexist at this May sound, I don’t associate the term white collar with women either. The most sensitive people I've ever met are middle aged white men. org and go to the careers section to read all about it. White collar jobs tend to be concentrated in areas of greater population density and more diverse areas. I am 21 and in need of a job, and I'm desperate to try something new, and to find a job that is physical and involves moving around as all the shop and office jobs I've had in my life where I couldn't move around that much drove me nuts. So while he is a bit rough around the edges and fits in to the trades mentality, he's so much more than just his job. Blue collar work here is also respected and seen as tough & manly rather than low class. Well said. Nursing, teaching and retail are as close to blue collar Posted by u/No_Individual_1996 - 1 vote and 17 comments Women ~have~ been doing blue collar jobs, they started way back in World War One. For a long time I strategically stayed freelance so I could write off art supplies and car expenses on my taxes. There has been a lot of discussion about how the extra strength from testosterone makes men better suited to these jobs, and that women shouldn't enter trades where they are at a physical disadvantage (I think these arguments are offensive, and that women are totally capable of excelling at the blue collar trades). Derrick hand That does kind of highlight how and where these jobs exist though. I am no longer freelance, I work for an art gallery in a semi blue collar job, and I make over 65k. if you're lucky. 50 (sweatshop, quit by myself) second job $19 (let go because they had too many welders on that project) third job $18. My guess is snobbery on the part of the women. I was recently laid off, and am now looking to get back into the blue collar field. I spent the past 20 years working in law firms and software companies, never again met such a large percentage of absolute cunts like the fuckers I dealt with in blue collar work. It’s all apart of the integration process. The corporate ladder isn't as easy to climb as people think and honestly blue collar has way less stress mentally, so they turn out to be more fun and more open minded vs. I'm light blue collar (working in an office in building supply yard). Posted by u/bitchbadger3000 - 163 votes and 74 comments Apr 18, 2024 · However, with the proper certifications and mechanical expertise, you can apply for blue-collar jobs that pay well. true. This isn’t a gender thing; you’re comparing two different kinds of “blue collar” jobs, so-called “unskilled” with trades. r/BlueCollarWomen: This is a subreddit aimed at women in the construction trades and other blue collar professions. it made me super uncomfortable whenever i had to be around the neanderthals spouting their bullshit to me because i’m a white male that looks straight. A 'Blue collar job' is a job defined as 'those that involve a greater degree of physically-taxing or manual labour'. Besides that I think it’s still an area that has yet to be opened up for us as women in the trades since most women come in with other children or don’t plan on having kids. Cue in the Suffrage Movement. It’s not just ‘white collar’ and ‘blue collar’ work… there are a lot of different opportunities out there. Don't assume things about somebody's financial stability based on out dated terms like blue and white collar. I'm built really well and I'm pretty strong (mainly coz of going to the gym) even though I'm a university student studying for a white collar job. (LGT first of six half hour videos. Hard to say which is worse Most office workers make 80k a year I think actually 40-60k as that's average. Source: $185,000-$210,000 annual income and I'm not a business owner just an employee. blue collar is also unimportant to me because it does not relate directly to pay. You can't tell them anything. I think a good mindset is to dress like you’re going to do the job that day, but like if your VP was visiting so you wear the ‘nice’ work shirt and try to minimize the wrinkles. I am fully willing to admit I swipe left on any blue collar work listed in a profile. Howdy! I live in Chicago and did a welding program during the pandemic where I briefly worked in the field. The reality is that occasionally I get to hug some cats or pet a dog while I'm on the clock, but most of my work is: Pick something you like and you’ll crush it. White collar vs. If you were to swap the genders it would be exactly the same. Second wave feminism (from the 1960s to the early 1980s) was about getting women into the workplace (even blue collar jobs) and creating legislation to prevent discrimination in the work place. I'm almost always the only one. For the trades, your clothes are all about practicality and what you can work effectively in, so looking professional means demonstrating that you know what that means. Still a student? Hobbyist? Just… It is absolutely blue-collar work, despite the fact that my job is female-dominated and perceived as an easy, cute, girly job where you get to play with animals all day. My mom had a white collar job and my dad had a blue collar job, so I've been around both. These women do exist, and I want nothing to do with them. Blue collar is a stereotype that describes jobs that involve physical labor or a skilled trade. Both tend to make people more liberal. Guys that are muscular, drive big vehicles (in North America), aren’t picky about their clothes, work in social environments that indicates likely social skills, and aren’t highly mobile so likely not to move across the I know plenty of men and women that went to shit universities and received pointless degrees, yet they believe they are infinitely better than a hard working man who specialized in some sort blue collar job. Dude most women find that stuff super unattractive, but hey I am a metalhead so the women usually white collar as well. It’s also normal to have giant boxes and mattresses and furniture and 40# bags of dog food to carry up 50-70 foot hills and several flights of stairs every day. Think mechanics, farmers, electrians, factory workers, etc. I don’t necessarily think that blue collar/no degree means a lack of intellectual curiosity. Don’t pick a job because lots of women do it. It really doesn't vary from place to place or woman to woman. Can't try to train them as they obviously already know everything. Truth. If you'd like to read about it. Compared to metro areas women are going to prefer and date college educated men with white collar jobs. Job security can be another plus depending on what field you go into! There's more need for trades even in hard times than many white collar jobs. When WW2 started women returned to the blue collar jobs to fill in for Many of the jobs that blue collar women held (jobs that don't require a lot of physical strength like garment manufacturing) have been outsourced, while a larger proportion of traditionally male blue collar jobs (such as of the "skilled labor"--necessary training being another sexist hurdle for women to jump over--variety) remain. One of the main obstacles is the prevalence of stereotypes and biases that can create barriers to entry for women and other underrepresented groups. That said, I recently found a blue collar youtuber who clearly enjoys his job. Generally, I think it’s important to remember that looking professional for blue collar work is different than looking professional for an office job. Blue collar has its good guys, but it still attracts more imbeciles than not. Blue-collar jobs. Neither of my maternal grandparents graduated from high school (absolutely a result of economic issues in their own family and they were born closer to the turn of the 20th century) but they were avid readers and valued being curious about the world. Most blue collar men do not work 80-90 hours a week. Everything she was complaining is just completely normal. Somehow, the topic of conversation around women working in blue collar work was brought up. Men had to go fight as the ""capable"" gender, and women stayed home to farm, work factories, etc. In a typical blue collar job, is there opportunity to rise the ladder to management (or other more advanced positions), or to acquire skills or training that would raise your pay? I'm a service industry worker with white collar parents and no vocational education, so I've got essentially zero idea about how it goes on that side of the fence. I saw a post about woman who got her first job in construction complaining about how she didn’t get any respect. However life is crazy and I ended up in an office job for a little while. Occupation or apparent material success has no influence on my swiping. This has been my operating philosophy as well. There’s asshats in every trade. Mar 3, 2023 · Women are now actively seeking and thriving in blue-collar jobs, such as welding and construction, as they offer equal opportunities for skill development and career advancement. That being said, she still probably won't work with many women. Try neiep. Check out abom79. R there blue collar jobs that don’t require much maths? How To Get Started Sorry if this is a stupid question but I’ve (21f) been thinking about getting a more physical job like welding or something as it interests me however I have dyscalcuilia and im really really bad at maths. Can't tell them they did a bad job. That being said I hate how white collar workers mistreat blue collars and vice versa. I think a lot of blue-collar jobs have expiration dates and I would prefer a partner with a more long-term mindset. Or, so I'd like to think. Hello everybody! I am a student horticulturist, so I do a lot of physical work planting, weeding, carrying soil and the like at work. As a female blue collar worker (wildland firefighter) who identifies as a feminist, I've often been suprised how most other women I've met in the workplace are often critical of, if not outright opposed to modern day feminism. Maybe don’t go this far if you’re new to the industry but I recently interviewed for my job and I had dirt on my face, paint on my shirt. The uniforms for these jobs can often make a girl a bit boxy, so I’m looking for ways to incorporate my feminine look into the practicalities of the job. [When i was in my 20s I had to look for jobs in the paper. I qualified for medicaid and tons of benefits because I live in NYC. Blue collar workers are more vocal and intentional, taking every opportunity to remind people they didn’t waste time at college and are making plenty of money. I mean lemme not lie I really do admire blue collar and I wish I could take it up sometimes. White collar jobs tend to require more education. Susan Faludi's Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women has examples in her chapter on work. Mar 1, 2024 · Challenges in the Blue-Collar Industry . My first trades job was in a shop and they literally told me what they wanted me to wear to my interview: khakis, a button-up shirt, and close-toed flat shoes. That wasn't even true a hundred years ago. (or men, for that matter) Pick a job that makes your heart happy. ETA: Now if you wanted to get into the history of why weren’t women allowed to join construction crews, join the plumbers apprentice union, etc. I’m a year out from graduating with a bachelors in marketing, but feel like I’m hitting a dead end with how saturated and competitive the field is becoming, I can’t even land an internship and jobs are offering $16/hr with a BA. Personally, I would date a blue-collar worker, but only if he owned the means of production + had a transitional plan for once he got up there in age / started facing more physical barriers + had a sufficient educational background. Women on average are underrepresented by 80 percent in blue-collar work, with Latina women and black women having the most access to these roles compared to white women. Indeed, whether you want to work with your hands, in hospitality, or in the aviation industry, there are great jobs that pay 6 figures with just a high school diploma. 89 votes, 59 comments. I have 2 degrees. If you've got a couple hours, watch him machining a shaft for a well drilling rig. Hello, I recently started my apprenticeship as a warehouse technician. I don’t associate the term blue collar with women at all. I'm married but most "blue collar" tradesmen I know make way more than any "white collar" professions, by a land slide. I know for the main construction trades the unions run the show which is awesome. 80k is Manager/Sr Manager level . your examples are stupid. ) In my experience as a guy with a white collar job, it’s mostly the blue collar aesthetic that women are attracted to. They did them in the 40s because those were basically the only jobs available unless you had the money and dedication to make it in the much more So I’m a 22 year old woman, fairly small in frame (5’1”, built sturdy but that’s not worth much when you’re my size) I just graduated college last spring and I’ve come to realize I hate everything about my field and the idea of continuing working a desk job for any extended period of time is horrifying. Edit: I also wanted to add that both those trades have more careers than just the typical ones that come to mind. Now that, if not white collar, then at least relatively comfortable, if low-wage service sector jobs are the norm, most women are not interested in doing the dangerous, dirty blue collar jobs. ) ALSO my advice to you personally: LEARN about the different kinds of blue collar work out there. I'm a 3rd year apprentice plumber and my last job had 3 women including me and that's literally the most women I've ever seen on a job for us. But the dudes in the scene don't act like that we open doors for women crowd surf them to the barrier. first job $18. 75 ( complete lack of safety and sanitation protection, crawling inside dumpsters without being sprayed down or anything) Lol oh my god lol how do you guys even get women seriously they got to be mentally ill oh wait yup that's it. I was a mess. Can't tell them to fix what they did poorly. Personally I don't like dating someone whose NOT a blue collar worker. ebc ano oyzm bzev gqmb isvhh spvmw pnvu qvno wmmn